In Forces of Influence, Fred Ende and Meghan Everette contend that school wide success starts with relationships—not only between students and adults, but also among all adults up and down the education hierarchy. It's by leveraging these relationships that educators can influence outcomes and effect real change.
Praise for Forces
Read more editorial reviews via Amazon
Fred Ende and Meghan Everette have created an essential resource for any educator who is committed to strengthening their professional relationships. Full of concrete examples and actionable information, Forces of Influence provides educators with tools to help them build relationships at all stages of their career. This book is a must-have for any educator dedicated to improving their craft and becoming an agent of change.
—Monica Burns, EdD, author of Tasks Before Apps and founder of ClassTechTips.com
"Magnificently understandable self-assessment tool..."
From the pulpits of social media to the classrooms and staff rooms of our schools, we've long touted the value and importance of relationships, yet there's been a critical piece missing: a deep understanding of how relationships influence (or fail to influence) others. With timely nuggets of real–life examples, straightforward research, and a magnificently understandable self–assessment tool, that heretofore missing piece is right where it belongs, allowing us to leverage our interpersonal relationships in a thoughtful, caring, intentional way to influence the changes we need in education.
—Pete Hall, former school principal and author
"For Every Educator..."
Forces of Influence is a book for every educator who wants to amplify their impact by building more meaningful and powerful relationships with other educators. Ende and Everette share practical tips and takeaways that you can implement immediately. After reading this book, I find myself seeing my relationships through a different lens.
—Alyssa Gallagher, Experience Designer, Leadership + Design and coauthor of Design Thinking for School Leaders
In Forces of Influence, Fred Ende and Meghan Everette contend that school wide success starts with relationships—not only between students and adults, but also among all adults up and down the education hierarchy. It's by leveraging these relationships that educators can influence outcomes and effect real change.
But how can educators make sure they exert their influence astutely and sensitively, navigating education's priorities and pressures while keeping their work focused on the mission? This thought-provoking book helps readers navigate this tricky terrain, introducing four "forces," or levels, of influence and explaining how educators can use them to support one another's practice and push for positive outcomes for all learners. The authors
Explore each of the four forces—the pull, the push, the shove, and the nudge—and explain why they work and what research shows about their effectiveness.
Introduce the Forces of Influence Leadership Matrix (FILM), a framework that identifies how the four forces connect and helps readers determine when to use which force, with whom, and how.
Provide advice on how to course-correct by switching and layering the forces for positive results—and how to recover from setbacks.
Offer copious tools to support this work, including role-plays, self-assessments, templates, and questions to spur reflection and action.
Everything educators do requires them to build, sustain, and leverage relationships. With this guide, they no longer have to wing it.
Table of contents
Praise for Forces of Influence
Influence: It's All About Relationships
Give to Get
The Forces of Influence
The Pull
The Push
The Shove
The Nudge
Stacking the Forces
When Forces Succeed and Fail
Appendix A. Role-Play Scenarios
Appendix B. Stacking Strategies Flowchart